Sunday, May 8, 2011


My 2 Loves
The reason I love being a MOM
I know I usually write about my adventures in food, today however in honor of Mother's Day I'd like to briefly share with you another one of my passions. Being a Mom to two of the most amazing kids a person could ask for. I warn you this is going to get mushy. Mostly I just want to wish all the women out there who are mother's, grandmother's, soon to be mother's, aunts, and whomever else has played this important role a Happy Mother's Day 2011!

My adventures in parenting began in 2004 with the birth of my Ben and with the addition of my Lia in 2006. I love being a Mom. I live and breathe for my kids. I'd like to think that I parent and approach parenthood with the same passion I have for food! And that's a lot of passion.


I try to plan each day for them the way I do a great meal...with excitement, novelty, familiarity and love. I try to inspire them and they inspire me every single moment of every single day. They are full of innocence and charm yet they posses the knowledge and heart of people way beyond their years. They fill my life with joy and new experiences. They make me a better person. Thanks to them I have learned and continue to learn more and more about myself, who I am and where I want to end up.

That's not to say that every "meal/day" with them is tasty, but its definitely full of flavor and life lessons. At times a little bitter but in the end always delicious and incredibly rewarding. Being a Mom makes me want to create, makes me want to love and most important it makes me want to be the best I can be for my 2 loves.

Today is Mother's Day and I honor all those who play this crucial role. All that you are and all that you do is INCREDIBLE. We are amazing, we are powerful and we make the world go around! We have the most difficult but the most rewarding job in the UNIVERSE. I LOVE BEING A MOM.

Happy Mother's Day!

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